Tony's Place
We are all beggars!2/6/2018 “Our Father, … give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our trespasses, … lead us not into temptation, and deliver us from all evil.” Amen It was Spring of 1981. I was a practicing business and management consultant in Bangalore (now Bengaluru), India. One of the activities of my firm, consisting of three partners and a skeleton support staff, was to help businesses negotiate debt capital to expand their existing business.
Unforgettable India!1/26/2016 “… Amidst your numberless stars let me place my own little lamp.” I believe “Life is beautiful…!” and each moment is so full of variety and wonders. Years pass with so many twists and turns which when one looks back upon over the time horizon seem somehow fit into a huge but perfect puzzle of life!
Housing in India1/24/2016 Adequate and proper housing is not just an infrastructure issue. It is the core of safe and healthy development of communities and particularly of children and youth.
Renewable Energy in India1/23/2016 India’s development is inherently tied to its energy independence. Today India spends a major portion of its foreign exchange earnings on oil imports to meet its energy needs. The Govt. of India energy policy includes development of domestic energy sources, including nuclear power. India is proactive in its thrust to develop alternative energy, particularly wind and solar.
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